
28 Weeks

Well, another week has come and gone. Another week that was filled with me and two wiener dogs sleeping on the couch and our dual incubating mother cohabiting our bed with a belly wedge and a body pillow. This pregnancy thing is really starting to take a toll on me. My neck hurts from sleeping on the couch, my jeans are starting not to fit due to my increased ice cream intake, and I'm not getting enough sleep.

As for Caroline, she's 20 minutes away from suspending her belly in a massage table for an hour and a half. So don't give me this, "Your wife is carrying two kids and you're complaining about a little neck pain...blah, blah, blah" she's living like a queen!

Interesting question that was posed to me this week at Happy Hour:

Question: So when your wife is pregnant, do you have a DD for 9 months.

Answer: Yes and No. Yes you will always get home safely, but it's not as great as it sounds. Sober people remember everything

Saturday (Early)Morning Conversation:

C:Wake up how do you feel?
W:I'm ok, I had a few beers. It seems early.
C:A few beers? You had 8 beers.
W:Oh, you counted.
C:I didn't count, I just know.
W:I had a good time last night.
C:Yeah, it was fun until everyone started repeating the same stories over and over.
W:That was funny.
C:Yeah, for you. Get out of bed, you promised me last night that you would get up early and run errands if we stayed for another beer.
W:I don't remember that

You have no leverage in this situation. NONE.

This was a very rambling blog, I'll work on staying on topic next time.

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