
Parole Board

Caroline is on her way to the Dr. Parole Board. It is either going to be hospital bed rest for the next 4-5 weeks or home bed rest.

Hospital bed rest is good and bad. Good, you have doctors and nurses at your disposal and they are there 24 hours a day. Bad, you're in a freaking hospital all day every day. The smells, the food, the crappy cable TV, and the horrible couch/bed I had to sleep on.

Home is good because she can see the dogs, and Saidy is always on bed rest, so she would make a good partner. You have access to all your normal things.

Caroline doesn't really like me referring to her cervix in my blog, so from now on I will refer to it as Mr. C.

I have never really rooted for Mr.C or had any reason to root for Mr. C. But during our parole session, I have never wanted Mr. C to stay unchanged like I did yesterday. Lucky for us, Mr.C cooperated with us and hadn't changed a bit since Monday.
Which means she gets to go home. Which means I am now full time cook, nurse, house keeper, water fetcher, dresser, showerer, slave, assistant, get the point.

So if you're bored, feel free stop by Chesterton Drive and drop off a magazine or fill up her water bottles, or clean up the house, or bathe her.

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