We are FINALLY entering the last week of being a family of two, and will soon be a family of 4!!
Thursday we had our last rounds of doctor's appointments, and everything looked great. Caroline was trying to negotiate with the Doc to get the kiddos out early, but she lost. I can't say I will miss these appointments, but it sure was an unreal journey. It was always fun seeing the sonograms every week, watching the babies grow bigger on the screen each and every time we went in, tracking their weight gain, and hearing their beautiful heartbeats never got old. It was fun (for me) watching Caroline's poor body morph into a dual baby carrying machine. Every step of the way was something new for us, and as this entire "not making babies/making babies/pregnancy" journey ends...I know the new journey begins.
I can't wait to be a parent, I can't wait to be called Dad, I can't wait to change stinky messy diapers and get peed on, I can't wait to love these kids unconditionally, I can't wait to dress them up in matching Texas Tech outfits...There are so many thinks that I can't wait do. It's all going to be so awesome...so now all I have to do is....wait. Wait for 6 days. 6 days 5 hours 35 minutes and 54 seconds to be exact, but who's counting?
I don't really know what this post was meant to be, but maybe it was just meant for me to kill about 20 minutes of "wait time" if so, 6 days 5 hours 15 minutes and 33 seconds to go. Mission accomplished.
I assume the next time I will blog will be to post(show off) pictures of two beautiful hairy babies.
This was really sweet. :) I can't wait to see you wrapped around their little fingers. Good luck this week!!