
Final Piece

Out with the old, in with SUV #2. We loved our Lexus and all the perks that came with it(free valet parking at Rangers and Mavs games), but we were realizing it was terribly impractical for twins. It would have been a tight fit for one car seat, let alone two. We opted for a smaller SUV, since we have the Tahoe(which seats about 12 comfortably), and went with the super-roomy Toyota Highlander. Buying a car is always an experience, buying a car with a pregnant companion interesting. I won't go into details, but let's just say Caroline told the salesman off(he was wrong), then refused to look at or even talk to him for the next three hours. Awkward. Then to make Caroline almost explode one of his cohorts walked up and said, "God bless you child, if you look up pregnant in the dictionary there will definitely be a picture of you" Not the best thing to say to a pregnant women. At least no one has told her she is "the weirdest pregnant woman I've ever seen"...oh wait.

Thanks to my insomniac, definition of pregnant, weirdest pregnant person ever wife for revamping the blog. I told her I wanted my blog to look like Natalie's or Jodi's blog...and she made it 3 am Sunday morning.

If you're counting, 4 days, 7 hours, 38 minutes 30 seconds.

I promise, next blog will have pics of babies!


  1. I swear that Trey meant that with the very best intentions :) What he meant to say was "You are the SKINNIEST and THINNEST pregnant girl he has ever seen :) I apologize on his behalf.

    Love the new look!

  2. I feel Caroline's pain on being SO pregnant and having to suffer through buying a new car. Silver lining is that you get a new car...yay!! Love the countdown ...can't wait!
