
Pumping of the Breasts

Caroline has been pumping for the last 7 weeks and it's been going pretty good, but I think she finally hit her wall this week. In all fairness, she rivals Elsie in milk production, but spending over 5 hours a day attached to that machine has finally gotten the best of her. She had hinted the past couple of days that she was growing tired of it, so I figured the end was near.

Today I received a text from her that read, "One of my pump pieces fell in the dishwasher and melted, this breastfeeding is falling to pieces."

I feel I will receive the following texts, in no particular order at some point today:

"Scissors accidentally fell onto to pumping hoses and sliced them in half"

"Whoops! I left the breast pump in driveway, and accidentally backed over it"

"Crap! I forgot I backed over the pump in the driveway. Pulled car forward and ran over it again. I'm such a dummy"

"I know it's April, but I started the fireplace...and you'll never believe what melted when I set it next to the fire. It rhymes Shmeast Rump"

"Man, I started the disposal and it made this weird noise. I dug around in there and found all of my pumping materials. Crazy, they must have fallen in when I washed them"

Looks like we're moving on. Adios boobs.

You have no idea how accurate this picture is/was...

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