
Hangin in there..

Thing's I've become really good at since Caroline has started housing two parasites:

Sleeping on the couch, or realizing my space in the bed is super limited (Here's the breakdown--Caroline 60%, body pillow 10%, baby wedge thing 10%, Saidy dog 5%, Daisy dog 5%, Wylie 10%...that's right I rank above the dogs, barely, and below the pregnancy wedge...I wouldn't have believed that 10 years ago

Late night runs to CVS...but before I go to CVS, I have to reference the pregnancy book to see what meds she can take...all that while I'm being asked why I'm still at the house and not at the drug store yet.

Fixing dinner and then immediately throwing it away and going to get something else...I've been avoiding cooking all together...Her meals have these constants, bread, cheese, pasta, and potato salad. I HATE POTATO SALAD NOW.

Agreeing...It's just easier to say yes or do as told...I'm still battling this one.

Things I suck at since Caroline has started housing two parasites:

Using the word nipple and not laughing when referring to bottle nipples

Not farting-heightened sense of smell makes the weak ones bad and the bad ones usually end with her slapping me or throwing the remote at my face

Trying to quit cussing...That shit is impossible.

All in all, I think I'm hanging in there...but I freaking hate potato salad now.

Enough about me, Caroline, she's doing good too.

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