Flying: Every trip begins with packing, but packing for infants is tough. Not only do you have to pack for your stay, but you have to pack for the flight. Things like formula, pacifiers, extra outfits for parents and babies in case of explosions...all kinds of stuff I never thought of. First off, you've got to figure how your going to get a stroller, two car seats, two babies, yourselves, and your luggage all through security without pissing off the entire line of patrons around you. Plus, it wouldn't be a true test unless one of your children has a blowout in the middle of the line(Addison 1, Mom and Dad 0). Good news, the nice security lady at the airport let us bypass the "regular people" line and go straight through security, not sure if this is customary with children, but it was nice. Bad news, as we skip the line, we realize how many people are glaring, and the cartoon bubbles above their head appear to be saying, "I hope to hell they are not on my flight." As we approach the scanners and metal detectors, the security lady starts giving us some instructions...and she could tell we were horribly flustered. So she took care of thing I see are her arms in the air, and she shouts, "Everyone stop, I'm getting this group through and you'll just have to wait" Oh man...people hate us, I start sweating, Caroline just ducks her head. "You" pointing at Caroline, "Grab both babies, and get them through the metal detectors. Dad will get everything else" ...Uh...everything else like the stroller, the car seats, the luggage, the two pacifiers I am now carrying in my mouth(Yes, i was out of hands and that felt like the appropriate place for them). I mean we literally shut down the security gate at terminal C for 5-7 minutes.
Luckily, the poo bomb in Addison's diaper didn't set off the alarms. Our flight had empty seats, so we were allowed to take the car seat carriers on the plane and keep the babies in them, except for the feeding at take off which we were told is a must to help the babies clear their ears.
Mother's Day Weekend
It was a great weekend in McAllen with Caroline's parents. It also nice that they don't get to see the babies that much, and they want to spend as much time with them as possible...including middle of the night feedings and exploding diaper changes. Caroline and I slept through the night for two straight nights and even went out to dinner. It was pretty awesome.
Mexican Traditions
For those of you who don't know, McAllen is a border town, meaning it is basically Mexico, and Mexican traditions are in full affect. I have recently become a germ freak with the babies and want anyone that is handling them to wash their hands prior to "petting" them.
We all went to brunch Sunday for Mother's Day, and as we are waiting for our table this older Mexican lady comes by, admires the twins, says something in Spanish about them and then walks over to Tyler, looks at him and then gives him a full on two handed face massage with her recently un-washed, un-sanitized hands. I'm fighting the urge to slap her hand away, Caroline is looking at me and knows how uncomfortable it makes me. She finally quit rubbing her grimy hands all over him, and my heart rate subsided. I thought she was done, but one look at Addison and she gives her the same 30 second double face massage treatment. At this point there is nothing I can do....After she quit I felt like I should have given her a tip for her masseuse duties.
Anyway, I guess the Mexican tradition is to touch the face of babies is good luck...Thank God, a lot of people weren't looking to get lucky that day. Maybe they should add washing hands to that tradition.
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